Posts tagged Internship
Earth Day

As an April baby myself, I think it is one of the best months of the year: spring showers, flowers start to bloom, days get warmer, school's almost out, bikini season is almost here, and well it’s my birthday (which I celebrate all month). Another reason April is amazing is that it hosts one of the biggest environmental awareness days: Earth Day. The environmental movement has been around for quite some time now, and it celebrates nature and motivates people to learn about their environment and how they can do better.

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10 Things to bring to a remote Turtle Project

As many of you know I am currently living and working in Costa Rica. My job involves working with sea turtles and living in a remote location with a group of people. As the days pass, I have come to the conclusion that there are some essential items that I cannot do without. With that being said here is a list of these top items to bring if you ever decide to work at a turtle project (or perhaps camp out at the beach).

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