Sign this Check and Welcome Abundance in Your Life!


Let me tell you: the last few weeks have been pretty intense. Since July, I feel like there has been a lot of change, a lot of growth, and a lot of questions along my path. Recently, a good friend of mine (big shout out to KelieUncharted.) and I started talking about mindset and how to change our perspective. She mentioned “abundance” and as she did a faint tug in my memory box brought me back to my teenage years, a time where the possibilities were endless and whether I knew it or not, my life was full of blessings. 

During my teenage years I used to regularly attend my family’s church, and one year a prophetic word was given to us: it would be a year of abundant life. Now at the time I was so young and preoccupied with other teenage things that I put it on the back burner and almost forgot. Fast-forward to my current state, I am discussing with others what abundance looks to them and trying to define what it looks like to me. For some, the word triggers visions of money and material possessions, for others it may signal happiness and inner peace. The beauty of abundance for me is that it can be all of those things at different points in our lives. Let me explain.

There are times when we may ask for abundance in monetary terms, maybe we need it, to pay for higher education, to buy our first home or that bucket list item on your list. But maybe later in life, you want the world to provide you with abundance in health and happiness because after a long life that is what you need. Or perhaps you ask for abundance in love because you are ready to love someone and be loved. Whatever it may be, we can ask God and the universe to provide that. Why? Because the saying is true: “ask and you shall receive”. Manifesting your desires into the world works but, you also have to have the faith to back it up and believe it will happen. The best way to start is to look at the blessings around you. So rather than focusing on what you lack, you focus on enhancing the great things that are happening already.

Abundance belongs to every religion and spiritual belief, so you can make it part of your life regardless of personal dogma. 

So here is an exercise for you! A present from moi…

Below is an Abundance Check (Click here to download a PDF version with instructions). Fill it out during this new moon, as it signals the start of something new! Carry it with you to visualize what you are asking for and also to remind you of all of the wonderful things happening in your life already, and to call for more of it. 
